About me
How I can help you:
Coaching bridges the gap between "information" (you know what to do) and "implementation" (but you aren't actually doing it).
My extensive experience and training in health science can help to give you more relevant and up to date information (including sorting facts from fads.) More importantly, coaching guides habit change itself to help you to meet your health goals.
The Balanced Life Program, is the closest thing that you can get to a multi-disciplinary program outside the medical system.
I help people who are:
Fatigued, overwhelmed, & stressed
At risk of burnout
Time-poor, struggling with routines, planning & organisation
Struggling to prioritise their health with the competing demands of life
Desperate for a good night’s sleep
Unable to rest & relax without feeling guilty or restless
Feeling run down, irritable, grumpy, short-tempered, moody, “can’t be bothered”, or low
Approaching or experiencing midlife changes
Out of condition, trying to get active again
Struggling to progress in their efforts to exercise
Limited from exercise by recurring or old injuries, niggles, aches & pains
Feeling uncomfortable with their weight
Have an unhelpful relationship with food that makes it hard to make the “right” choices consistently
Wanting to eat well without dieting
Seeking nourishment for their minds and bodies
Lacking energy & motivation, feeling “lazy”
Why "Two Wise Owls"?
Thanks for asking! This is just a tribute to the first thing that I learnt in coaching that's different to health care: you come to a coaching relationship with your own expertise - you know yourself. You are the expert of your own habits, preferences and goals.... I am the expert in holistic health. As two wise owls, we work together for your better health.
Pain advocacy
I have been beating the drum to improve pain management for so many years: in my own professional development and practice, and as part of the Pain Revolution Rural Outreach Tour 2019. I have taught Physio students, colleagues, course participants & patient groups all about pain science.
We have come a long way in spreading the message of evidence-based pain management. But we're not there yet. I aim to help fill the gap in holistic care while mainstream medicine catches up with the science.
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
University of Queensland
Physiotherapy has provided me with a solid career which I have loved. I have furthered my expertise to become a titled Pain Physiotherapist, which requires professional development, leadership, advocacy and teaching specifically in the field of pain.
Master of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
La Trobe University
Study at the Masters level enhanced my comprehensive problem-solving skills in patient care across a range of injury and pain presentations.
Nutrition, Health & Wellness Certification Program
Women's Health & Wellness Certification Program
Well College Global
I specifically chose this Health Coaching program due to its emphasis on Nutrition, as well as the elective subjects for Women's Health and Hormones, and Trauma Awareness. These subjects formalised my knowledge in areas where I have been teaching myself informally for many years.
2024 (nearly finished!)
I wanted to study Yoga so that I would increase my own understanding of the depths of Yoga practice, and to have a skill "on the side".
Yoga Teacher Training YTT 200