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Free e-book

This simple step-by-step guide will help you to get active, or more active, despite whatever barriers you face. Whether it’s time, energy, motivation, fatigue, menopause symptoms or overwhelm, there IS a way forward for you.

Things change as we move into our 40's and beyond. The secret to staying active is to embrace a new approach to health that aligns your mind and body with the transition through midlife rather than trying to keep up with the pace of your 20's.

Mel Macoun

Find your healthy life balance through movement, nutrition, sleep and mindset. 

Hi, I'm Mel

Two Wise Owls Health Coaching

I help people who are tired, stressed, and stuck in a health rut with too much on their plate, to get fit, recharge their batteries, and create a Balanced Life, despite the many competing demands that they have as they approach midlife and beyond. 

"Mel gave me the time, space and tools to reflect on what I needed from the session, and from myself going forward. By the end of the session, I came to realisations about my own needs that seemed painstakingly obvious, yet I hadn't been able to piece it all together before! Mel is such great value - the perfect combination of wit, empathy, and expert knowledge. She is trustworthy, but more importantly, she helps you trust yourself.”


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If chronic pain is your challenge, you are talking to an expert here.

I personally tailor The Balanced Life Program (previously known as "Rise Above Pain") to include strategies specific to meet your needs. We will work to reprogram your pain systems using a proven combination of modern pain science with lifestyle coaching to implement the changes required to get back into life. Whether it's migraines, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, old injuries, arthritis or surgery that has left you in pain, my system of recovery works when pain is the dominant complaint and you have tried everything else. 


It's time to get back to life!

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